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march upon造句

"march upon"是什么意思  
  • Then they gathered their fighting men together and marched upon london .
  • Break the truce immediately and march upon the enemy
  • Leaving a third of his men straggling behind him, bagration reached hollabrunn, on the vienna and znaim road, a few hours before the french, who marched upon hollabrunn from vienna
  • One would have supposed that no great genius was needed with an army of double the strength to fall upon the russian forces and destroy them, to negotiate an advantageous peace; or, in case of negotiations being refused, to make a menacing march upon petersburg, or even, in case of failure in this, to return to smolensk or to vilna, or to remain in moscow, to retain, in short, the brilliant position in which the french army now found themselves
  • And then after the adjutant comes the commissariat commissioner to inquire where the stores are to be taken, and the ambulance director to ask where the wounded are to be moved to, and a courier from petersburg with a letter from the tsar, not admitting the possibility of abandoning moscow, and the commanders rival, who is trying to cut the ground from under his feet and there are always more than one such proposes a new project, diametrically opposed to the plan of marching upon the kaluga road . the commanders own energies, too, require sleep and support . and a respectable general, who has been overlooked when decorations were bestowed, presents a complaint, and the inhabitants of the district implore protection, and the officer sent to inspect the locality comes back with a report utterly unlike that of the officer sent on the same commission just previously; and a spy, and a prisoner, and a general who has made a reconnaissance, all describe the position of the enemys army quite differently
  • It's difficult to see march upon in a sentence. 用march upon造句挺难的
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